My strength is in nurturing connections. I am a great supporter of people who value connections and see the worth of others. Really, it's what makes the world work better and we can all do more of it. Sharing ideas and connections makes us better people - there is plenty of (
fill in the blank) to go around and our reason for being on this
earth is to make it a better place, to be thoughtful and honest as individuals.
It may be a family member, co-worker, neighbor, the person behind you at the cashier. It's just a small effort, but say
hello, ask about their day, hold a door open, or let someone cut in front of you in traffic. Pretty simple stuff to show that you care. And if you don't care, fake it at first. Eventually, you'll find that it makes your day a little bit nicer.
I had an uncomfortable conversation with someone today, a new connection, who perhaps needs a gentle nudge to understand that sharing your toys, your ideas, or your connections can be valuable. I feel that underneath, he recognizes the concept, but perhaps needs more time to implement.
Trust yourself and trust others - make connections - you'll make the world a better place, a little bit each day.