This past week I enjoyed a revelatory experience: a Full Moon Goddess Gathering, courtesy of my dear friend, motivational speaker and self-esteem coach Kathleen Hassan. Kathleen's passion lies in helping teen girls and women of all ages become all they were born to be and unlock their personal power for self-confidence and success.
According to Kathleen, "the light of the full moon illuminates and assists us in releasing the things in our lives that no longer serve us." The event began with a powerful introduction by Kathleen, exhorting us to release the light shining from within. We enjoyed a group angel card reading, a cup of tea, and much letting go of "junk" in our lives. Each of the 18 participants drew one or two angel cards, then took some time to reflect on why the message of those cards may be applicable to her life. With encouragement from Kathleen and this dynamic group of women I gained some insight, including confirmation that I will be better off clenching my teeth less and letting go of my urge to control more.
Kathleen can be relied upon for truth and wisdom. She's generous with a kind word in the context of her coaching practice and in her daily life. She practices what she preaches and is not shy about revealing the difficulties in her past that brought her to this place of knowledge and spirituality where she so joyfully resides. This proponent of the law of attraction
also happens to be one of the funniest people I know.
Although the full moon was obscured by thick cloud cover, we goddesses gladly took our individual lists of "things to let go", donned our heavy coats and snow boots, and went to the outdoor firepit to "let it go". As each of us tossed her paper list into the fire and the group chanted over and over "it is gone", we felt a burden lift from our collective shoulders. With hugs for our loving leader and a new-found resolve, we drove off into the nighttime snow flurries feeling a little lighter.
If you'd like to try your own "letting go" session, here is Kathleen's list to help you get started:
comparing myself to others
listening to the voice of ego
putting too much emphasis or care about what others think of me
blame, guilt and shame
jealousy and envy
not accepting myself - just the way I am
For more on this subject, read Kathleen's post Buh-Bye to What No Longer Serves Me
Photo by Public Domain
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