The following are four books I’ve enjoyed so much that they've remained on my list of favorite books for ten years or longer. I belong to a couple of different book groups and when the opportunity arises, I recommend that my fellow readers read and enjoy these if they have not yet done so. I urge you to do the same:
Anna Karenina
by Leo Tolstoy - it's romantic and dreary, sad and intriguing. A married woman, Anna is caught up in a circle of infidelity and passion, dissatisfaction and betrayal. Tolstoy's work is considered to be a highly realistic picture of Russian society in the latter half of the 19th century. I've read it three times, so far...
John Adams
by David McCullough - beautifully written, this story of the New England native who became the second President of the United States begins during the American Revolution. The stories of Adams' contributions during the earliest days of the United States are engaging because they're told in such a personal way. Along-side the political machinations, John and wife Abigail's letters to each other during some incredibly difficult times remind the reader that history is made by real people. It's a large book - don't be daunted by that; I couldn't put it down.
To Kill A Mockingbird
by Harper Lee - this is Harper Lee's only published novel. A story of racial inequality in the deep South, it's said to be taken from events that happened in or near Lee's hometown of Monroeville, Alabama, when she was ten years old. The family life is realistic and the characters richly painted. Lawyer Atticus Finch and his family will win your heart by page five, if not sooner. I've read this book many, many times. It never gets old.
The Fountainhead
by Ayn Rand - the essence of this book is explained by the characterization of protagonist Howard Roark: he is an individual who will settle for nothing less than his own vision of perfection. His philosphy as an architect is that his artistic integrity is of the utmost importance and he's willing to risk a life of poverty and obscurity to uphold his principles. Roark is passionate, but cold, in a way. Likable, though, and the philosophy is fascinating.
I should tell you that the link to each is an Amazon Associate link, meaning that if you click through and purchase any of them, I would receive a small commission. If you don't purchase, I recommend that you visit your local library for these books. Either way, happy reading!
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