It was a dream, yet oh so vivid. It was New Year’s Eve. In my dream, for some reason, my husband was urging me to write about “power". The name Faith Popcorn
Needless to say, New Year’s Day my first task was to take note of said dream. Then a reasonably polite interval after breakfast, I made some popcorn.
Power, popcorn, and packaging. Obviously popcorn and packaging figure into the scheme of my life on a regular basis. The word “power” is not one I consider often in relation to my own life. Why “power”? After some consideration, I think it may be related to all the talk of New Years resolutions and self-improvement promises swirling around me. All the promises to exercise more, eat better, quit smoking, refrain from cursing, call Mom weekly. I think this dream of “power” is a message to myself to reread a book that influenced my thinking more than any other in recent memory: “The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment” by Eckhart Tolle’s 1999 self-help book in which Tolle urges us to breathe “the air of the spiritual”. It was immensely helpful to me when I first read it a couple of years ago in my quest to become a more positive-minded individual.
Time to revisit “The Power of Now
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